What is the Meaning of Environmental issues?

Food choices can be based on environmental and ethical factors.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors are things that help reduce the impact of food production on the environment and might cause someone to choose to buy a product. For example, locally produced food doesn't have to be transported as far, so less CO2 is produced. This means there is less of an impact on the environment.

Ethical factors

Ethical factors are things that can be seen as morally right. For example, buying fair trade food which provides farmers with better working conditions.


Three chickens are allowed to roam free over a large grassy field.
  • Fair trade food production aims to provide fair prices and better working conditions for farmers and farm workers.
  • Farm assured means that the farms and food companies meet high standards of food safety and hygiene, animal welfare and environmental protection.
  • Food miles means the distance that food travels from where it is grown to where it is bought. This is an environmental concern because of the CO2 emissions from transport.
  • Free range is a method of farming where animals are allowed to roam freely.
  • Genetically modified food is grown with genetic manipulation technology. Some people consider this a risk to the environment and choose GM-free products.
  • Organic foods have been grown without the use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides.
  • Seasonal foods means foods that are in season. Choosing these reduces food miles
  • Sustainability is food production that aims to preserve the world's natural resources for future generations.

List of Major Environmental Issues

What is Meant by Environmental issues?

What are the major environmental Problems?

What is the Biggest environmental Problem?