Current Environmental Issues

Over the past 25 years, the Maryland Farmer has played an important role in the efforts to clean up the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Maryland has been a leader in the implementation of soil and water conservation best management practices to control sediment and improve water quality. The Current Environmental Issue, Agricultural Soil and Water Conservation Stewardship, easily translates across all provinces and states.

NCF-Envirothon participants will learn about the Maryland's natural resources and engage in hands-on training and testing. Students will learn the basic concepts of how agricultural Best Management Practices and all natural resource areas are interrelated by closely interacting with natural resource professionals. By providing a lifelong learning experience for these students, they will learn the importance of maintaining a balance of the quality of life versus the quality of the environment as an agriculturist. As part of the overall NCF-Envirothon program, students will gain an understanding of the importance of promoting soil and water conservation stewardship. Key Topics
​1. Soil and Water Conservation best management practices; their purpose and implementation.
2. How are soil and water conservation best management practices interrelated to the management of wildlife, forestry and aquatic systems?
3. How do agriculturists maintain a balance between their quality of life versus the quality of the environment?
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of the training, the student will be able to:
1. Identify and recommend soil and water conservation best management practices in agriculture.

2. Describe the role of the federal government in conservation programs that benefit both agricultural producers and the environment.

3. Identify the concept of soil quality/health to provide the needed functions for the conservation planning process.

4. Identify various types of soil erosion and utilize different methods to estimate and predict soil erosion to assess land use impacts.
a. RUSLE 2 Equation
b. Aerial Photographs
c. Topographic Maps

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