Ecology ESA


The science of ecology cannot be advanced without improving our understanding of human-environment interactions

The Society for Human Ecology was instrumental in helping to create a Human Ecology Section within the Ecological Society of America (ESA). While that section develops, the SHE website will host information for ESA Human Ecology section members.

ESA 2016 is at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The conference theme is Novel Ecosystems in the Anthropocene. Conference details are here.

The Human Ecology Section symposium has been accepted. The title is Human Ecology, Human Economy: towards good governance of the Anthropocene. Details are here.

ESA Diversity Statement

The Ecological Society of America is dedicated to the science and study of ecology. The society welcomes and encourages participation by all individuals regardless of age, culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental difference, politics, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or subculture. We strive to cultivate a society built on mentorship, encouragement, tolerance and mutual respect, thereby engendering a welcoming environment for all. Ecologists believe in the need for interdisciplinary study, both in terms of disciplines and participants. We believe in biodiversity both in terms of ecosystems and membership. We will vigorously and proactively reject prejudice and stereotyping wherever it is encountered in our profession. ESA further promotes diversity in all areas of activity, including fostering diversity in membership, leadership, committees, staff, outreach, public engagement, recruitment, and all other areas of societal activity.

ESA Code of Ethics

Ecologists will not discriminate against others in the course of their work on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, religion, race, color, national origin, age, economic status, disability, or organizational affiliation.

Summary of Section Activities @ ESA Fort Lauderdale, 2016

SYMP 5 – Human Ecology, Human Economy: Towards Good Governance of the Anthropocene
Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM Grand Floridian Ballroom C

Speakers: Katherine Richardson, Copenhagen University; Robert Costanza, Australian National University; Molly Anderson, Middlebury College; Gillian Bowser, Colorado State University; Larry Li, University of California at Riverside; Steward Pickett, Cary Institute; organized and moderated by Robert Dyball, Australian National University and Human Ecology Section Chair.

Joint Section Mixer (Agroecology, Applied, Asian, Early Career, Education, Human, Inclusive, International, Justice, Long-term Studies, Rangeland, TEK, and Urban)Human Ecology Section Business Meeting and Brown Bag LunchBooth in the Exhibition Hall and find out we are about!

Travel Awards

Applied Ecology Section / Human Ecology Section joint travel awards.

The applied and human ecology sections have three travel grants of $500 each to award to members of either or both sections who are also students or early career academics.

To apply you should send the abstract of your accepted presentation (any kind of session, including posters) and say in a short paragraph how the work that you are presenting relates to the goal of either of the two sections.

The preferred means of demonstrating that you are a student or early career academic is by also being a member of one or other of those sections, but other evidence (such as your program details) is acceptable – please provide.

Ecological Topics


Ecology Topics