Ecological Topics

Hot Topics in Ecology are evidence-based syntheses of topics that are relevant to environmental policy development, land management and to broadening the community's ecological knowledge base. Hot Topics aim to deliver timely, factual overviews that promote the application of scientifically defensible ecological knowledge in public debate.

Each Hot Topic consists of a one-page summary and a data-base of peer-reviewed literature. Arguments put forward in the one-page summary are supported by evidence listed in the literature data-base.

ESA members can contribute to Hot Topics by:

Creating a Hot Topic (suggest new Hot Topic button below)

Contributing new research to a Hot Topic (submit supporting evidence button on each HT summary page)

Communicating an existing Hot Topic, online or through other media

Hot Topics is governed by an editorial board consisting of ecologists from around Australia.

Chair, Hot Topics Editorial Board

  • Dr Rachel Standish, Murdoch University, WA

Editorial Board

  • Dr Alan Andersen, CSIRO, NT
  • Dr Jane Catford, University of Melbourne, VIC
  • Dr Jane DeGabriel, University of Western Sydney, VIC
  • Prof. Don Driscoll, Deakin University, VIC
  • Dr David Duncan, University of Melbourne, VIC
  • Prof. Emma Johnston, University of New South Wales, NSW
  • Dr Bronwyn Fancourt, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, QLD
  • Dr Brett Murphy, Charles Darwin University, NT
  • Dr Dale Nimmo, Charles Sturt University, NSW
  • Dr Euan Ritchie, Deakin University, VIC
  • Dr Christine Schlesinger, Charles Darwin University, NT
  • A/Prof. Peter Vesk, University of Melbourne, VIC
  • A/Prof. Grant Wardell-Johnson, Curtin University of Technology, WA
  • Prof. Glenda Wardle, University of Sydney, NSW

Environmental Topics

Ecological Problems

Ecological Issues

Ecology Topics