Sri Lanka Environmental Issues

Environmental and disaster risk issues are significant as Sri Lanka moves forward on the development trajectory. Every one dollar invested in risk reduction saves four dollars in disaster response. Sri Lanka is home to a wealth of natural resources and is rich in biodiversity. However, 21 species of amphibians are considered to be extinct and 52 are considered to be under threat. UNDP has built a close relationship with the Government agencies and others on environmental issues and will support the national agenda for sustainable development.

Our Goals

In the area of Energy, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, UNDP will work at the national, sub-national and community levels, and promote environmental sustainability, renewable energy, climate resilience and disaster risk management. It will support the Government to meet its international obligations concerning environmental protection, including compliance to the three Rio conventions, strengthen the institutional and policy frameworks for environment sustainability and disaster risk reduction. UNDP will also help promote partnerships, knowledge sharing on best practices, south-south co-operation and providing grants and technical assistance in supporting the efforts aimed at achieving sustainable development. more

Project on Environmental Issues

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