Environmental Issues in Somalia

The rate of in many areas of Somali
territories is increasingly reportedly alarming.
The amount of industrial repeatedly illegally dumped in Somali seawater and the mainland is scaring.

Tirada faraha badan ee ah ee warshadaha kiimikada iyo nukliyeerka ee sida isdaba-jooga ah loogu aaso biyaha iyo dhulka dalkeennu waa kuwa naxdin leh.

Quantity and quality of resources
needed for human and animal consumption,
as well as for food production, are lacking.

oo haqabtira baahida
dadka iyo xoolaha iyo weliba beeraha waa
kuwa gabaabsi ah amaba la la' yahay.

Amount of pollution entering into the groundwater from urban centres and affecting human health are increasingly growing with no actions taken to minimise and stop.

Wasaqda musqulaha iyo qashin-qubyada ee magaalooyinka oo wasaqeeya ceelasha biyaha laga cabo, taas oo saameyn xun ku leh caafimaadka, waa kuwa sii kordhaaya, ayada oo aysan jirin wax laga qabtay.

Devastating and destroying ,
affecting everyone in the country, are inevitably
recurrent without prediction and prevention.
Magnitude of now facing Somali, on the eve of the
21th century, is unprecedented.

Xaddiga dhibaatada ee
ku soo fool leh Soomaaliya Qarniga 21aad
waa mid aanan horay u dhicin.

In its totality, damage done to Somali's
environment is unimaginable and it seems
unmanageable even long after a solution is
found for the current political crisis.

Isku-dar ahaan, dhibka ku dhacay amaba loo geysto degaanka iyo biyaha dalkeenna waa mid aan la qiyaasi
karin, waxayna u muuqataa in aanan waxba laga qaban

Environmental Issues Introduction

Environmental Issues in the Savanna

Environmental Issues in Maldives

Environmental Issues in Jamaica

Environmental Issues in World