Current Ecological Issues

This journal provides syntheses of the most significant developments in current landscape ecology research. The aim is to highlight both important areas of consensus, and important areas of current debate in landscape ecology, thus underlining major findings and delineating the 'edge' of the discipline.

We accomplish this by appointing subject matter authorities to serve as Section Editors in key subject areas in landscape ecology. Subject areas include, for example, the causes and consequences of landscape change; the interaction of landscape ecology and natural resources management; landscape design and planning for ecological outcomes; key methodological developments in landscape ecology; spatial scaling issues in landscape ecology; and the effects of landscape structure on: species and biodiversity conservation; the spread of undesired species and processes; and ecosystem service provision and human wellbeing.

The journal’s Section Editors select topics within these broad subject areas, and solicit leading experts to contribute synthesis articles on these topics. An international Editorial Board reviews the annual table of contents and ensures that topics are current and relevant.

Current Environmental Issues

Ecological Issues

Current Ecological Problems

Current Ecology Issues