Current Environmental policy Issues

NH Audubon advocates for effective, science-based environmental policies through the activities of the Environmental Policy Committee (EPC) and Conservation Department staff. The EPC meets monthly to discuss current environmental issues and proposed legislation, and develop positions and strategies for advocacy. Committee members include representatives of NH Audubon staff, Board of Trustees, and membership at large.

At the federal level, NH Audubon provides comments on management plans for New Hampshire’s National Forest and National Wildlife Refuge lands, joins coalitions to comment on proposed laws and regulations, and meets with Congressional delegates and staffers to discuss high priority environmental issues.

At the state level, staff scientists represent NH Audubon on the NH Forest Advisory Board, the NH Forest Legacy Board, and ad hoc state working groups, technical committees, and legislative commissions convened to address environmental and land management issues. EPC committee members review and testify at legislative hearings for major environmental legislation. NH Audubon provides comments on the NH Forest Resources Plan, major transportation projects, state energy policies, and contaminants issues.

Informed citizens and constituent input are critical to the democratic process!

You can stay informed by:

  • Following New Hampshire’s legislative process by monitoring the New Hampshire General Court website, which provides calendars and journals for the House and Senate, text of proposed bills, contact information for senators and representatives, and other useful information.

You can make a difference by:

  • Communicating your concerns and appreciation to State legislators and Congressional delegates.
  • Attending legislative hearings to sign up in favor of or opposition to specific bills.
  • Participating in public hearings, scoping sessions, and public comment periods.

Current Environmental Crisis

Current Environmental Issues

Nuclear Environmental Issues

Current environmental Problems